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Eugeniu Botnari

Commemorative brochures available for Lichtenberg

Since we started the commemoration work last year on the anniversary of the murder of Kurt Schneider with the rally on October 6, we have not been idle. Encouraged by the popularity and the networking in the “Nobody is forgotten” campaign, the commemoration work for Eugeniu Botnari was also resumed. We were fortunate to be able to network with initiatives, experts and committed people, whose experiences and expertise we put on paper together. The result is two brochures that thematically frame the memory of Eugeniu Botnari and Kurt Schneider and explain the circumstances and ideologies that led to the murders.

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Commemoration weeks in Lichtenberg, Kurt Schneider – murdered by neonazis

Commemoration for Kurt Schneider – No victim of right-wing violence is forgotten! 06.10.2020 from 5 pm in front of the city hall Lichtenberg On the evening before (05.10.2020) at 7 pm Information event: “The murder of Kurt Schneider” in the Remise of Magdalenenstraße 19   On October 6, we commemorate Kurt Schneider, who was murdered on this night 21 years ago by a group of neonazis for social-chauvinist motives. We want to draw attention to the fact that right-wing attacks are often not recognized as such. In Berlin there have been at least 20 victims of racist and fascist violence […]

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Commemoration weeks in Lichtenberg, Eugeniu Botnari – fatality of right wing violence

Commemoration for Eugeniu Botnari – No victim of right-wing violence is forgotten! 17.09.2020 from 5 pm in front of the train station Lichtenberg at Weitlingstraße afterwards from 7:30 pm Information event: “Social chauvism and fascism” (by Anne Allex) in the Remise of Magdalenenstraße 19 17.9.2020 marks the fourth anniversary of the deadly attack on Eugeniu Botnari. With a rally in front of the Lichtenberg train station, starting at 5 pm, we want to commemorate Botnari as a victim of right-wing violence. His death is not a sad isolated incident. It is an expression of the racist structures of devaluation that […]