In memory of Eugeniu Botnari and Kurt Schneider – Anti-fascist commemoration in Lichtenberg
17.08.2021 | 12 p.m. | Rudolf-Reusch-Straße 8 | Official dedication of the memorial plaque for Kurt Schneider by the district of Lichtenberg 17.08.2021 | 6 p.m. | Rudolf-Reusch-Straße 8 | Anti-fascist rally for the inauguration of the memorial plaque for Kurt Schneider 20.09.2021 | 5 p.m. | Eugeniu-Botnari-Platz at S+U Lichtenberg (exit Weitlingstraße) | Anti-fascist demonstration “In memory of Eugeniu Botnari – Nazis out of the neighborhood!” 06.10.2021 | 6 p.m. | City Hall Lichtenberg (Möllendorffstraße 6) | Antifascist commemorative walk on the anniversary of the death of Kurt Schneider An antifascist neighborhood needs an antifascist culture of remembrance. That […]